Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let there be Light!

I really am trying to get back on the blog more, while I can. So for Christmas I received a new umbrella lighting setup! It is always entertaining when people who are not into photography ask me what I get and I reply with an umbrella. The look of confusion on their face is always very humorous to me, especially when they look at me and say" umbrella?"

Of course I explain to them that it is a flash umbrella that is used to diffuse the light spill onto a subject, thus creating a softer feel. What I enjoy about this Westcott umbrella is that it is not just a shoot through softbox, but it also has a reflective black cover you can ad to make it a bounce (as seen in the photo below).

I hope everybody had a great Christmas and I will try to keep you up to date to the new year!

Day 313 - Let there be Light!, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all three of my readers! I hope you have a very safe and happy holidays. I know I keep saying it over and over, but soon I will update more often. Just as soon as my life decides to settle down!

Merry Christmas!, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 307 - Homage to Mad Men

I got a suit! You can not really see exactly how awesome it is in this photo, but as soon as I got it I knew exactly what I had to do. This image here is a homage to the opening credits to a TV series known as Mad Men. If you have no idea what I am talking about go here ->

Now of course this is not a graphical representation of myself in my suit, but if I were to do it exactly how they did it wouldn't be mine now would it? Let me know what you think and if your a fan of the show let me know that too!

Day 307 - Homage to Mad Men, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.