Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 215 - Frio Nights

Usually nights at the Frio River are my favorite part. This year, however, I was very unlucky to get mostly cloudy skies with a full moon at it's peak in the sky around midnight. So as you might guess it drowned out most of the stars that one would normally be able to see with the naked eye. I was hoping to check off another one of my photography bucket list items during this trip, photographing the Milky Way band. Due to the conditions I was unable to accomplish this task, I guess that one will have to wait for another day.

Anyway, this is the view from the back of our cabin. There were quite a few shots taken this night, all trying to accomplish different things. Some went for star trails, while others just capturing the stars and hoping for that Milky Way band. This shot in particular was the small window I had where no clouds actually affected the shot in a major way. It still gives you an idea of what the sky is capable of on a Frio night.

Day 215 - Frio Nights, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

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