Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 88 - 200mm Close Up

I wanted to test the distance of focus with the 70-200mm Canon. Here is a shot of something in my room at 200mm, can you guess what it is?

Day 88 - 200mm Close Up, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 87 - Self Portrait

I went out and shot a bunch of Little Leaguers today and since I do not own the copyright to those I had nothing to put up. So here is a quick post-shower shot of myself, sorry its not much, I am exhausted from being out all day shooting those kids.

I also have a really big desire to start typing lyrics to Boombox by Lonely Island....that song is way to catchy.

Day 87 - Self Portrait, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 86 - Freezing Time

Went out to Friendswood Lakes today while some friends were fishing and playing tennis to hang out. While we were there I decided to use the time to create a very special set of HDR photos. As soon as they are all complete I will be sure to put it up on my YouTube for you to see.

Day 86 - Freezing Time, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 85 - Play Ball!

Went out and shot some baseball today. Final score 34 - 0, Friendswood FTW.

Day 85 - Play Ball!, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 82 - Stuff

Nothing to fancy today, just a picture of my phone, ear buds and MP3 player. The three things in this world I would probably go crazy if I didn't have.

Day 82 - Stuff, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 80 - Barbed Wire

Went hiking with Catherine, Carolyn and Teddy today. It was a very nice spring day without a cloud in the sky. An incredible improvement over the weather of yesterday. While walking I saw a small post with rusted barbed wire and it had to be photographed.

Day 80 - Barbed Wire, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 79 - 1 of 240

This is part of an experiment which I hope to unveil later this week when I get a chance to go into post production. This scene in general may or may not be part of it, it all depends on the results when put together.

Day 79 - 1 of 240, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 78 - Flowers of Catherine

Im back in Austin and I like keeping the theme of displaying Catherine's latest flowers in her apartment. We were going to go out and explore the Austin wilderness, but the weather is supposed to be sub-par so there is no telling what tomorrows picture will now be.

Day 78 - Flowers of Catherine, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 75 - Plant by the Window

It's been a very busy spring break so far and at the moment I am actually working on a take home exam that I have to have submitted by Thursday. So taking a break from doing that to post this quick photo of a plant we have sitting above our kitchen sink in the window. I really like the way the green's came out and with it being St Pattys day week, it seems to fit rather well.

Day 75 - Plant by the Window, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 71 - Zoom Effect

Can you guess what I zoomed in on to create this image? Let me know and I will tell you if your right.

Hint: It is paper based and no, its not money.

IMG_2124, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 65 - Sights of Enchanted rock

While in Austin we decided to head off to Enchanted Rock park, just a few hours away. It was quite a sight to see and climbing it wasn't as easy as expected. As always when we go on these hikes, quite a few of HDRs were taken, but since my computer is not with me, those will have to wait until Monday.

Day 65 - Sights of Enchanted rock, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 64 - Austin Flowers

I am back in Austin today and as always Catherine has filled her apartment with flowers. They are always fun to photograph and make me want the Canon 100mm Macro L so much more. Especially before the blue bonnets come in.

Day 64 - Austin Flowers, originally uploaded by griffithgreg.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Knick Knacks

I have dubbed him to be Buzzy and the smaller one Lil Buzzy. This is another picture I took while walking around at my grandmothers house. She has so many little animal statues/figures and they are all fun to photograph.

Knick Knacks, originally uploaded by griffithgreg

Another photo from my grandmothers, this one sits right on top of our famous picnic table. It is known that you are not truly a part of the family until you have engraved your name upon it.

When Pigs Fly, originally uploaded by griffithgreg

Fonzduck and Fonzduck Jr are the chlorine and thermometer of my grandmothers pool. I know the names I gave them arn't super creative, but its all I got for the time being.

Fonzduck, originally uploaded by griffithgreg